How to Animate with Layers


Layers in Animation Desk

Layers are helpful to separate the foreground and background. We offer 8 sketch layers and 1 background in Animation Desk. In this section, we will guide you through the layer feature.

Using Layers

If you can't find a layer panel in the editing interface, please tap on the Layer button to collapse the panel.

What are the differences between the Sketch Layer and the Background?

Unlike the sketch layers, the background is more fixed in an animation. A sequence only has one background layer, and users can’t delete the background.


Clear Frame

Tap on a layer and select Clear Frame to clear the drawing on this frame of this layer. Please note that you CANNOT undo this action.

Delete Layers

Tap on a layer and select Delete Layer to delete the layer. Please note this action CANNOT be undone

Layer Opacity

Tap on the layer thumbnail. Slide the Opacity bar to adjust the layer opacity. This is quite helpful when tracing the lines.

Hide a Layer

You might want to hide a layer to focus on particular drawings. To do so, tap on the layer thumbnail, tap on the Eye button to hide or show the layer. When you export the animation, the hidden layers will not be exported.

Let’s Try it Out: The Magical Layers

Do you find layers helpful? Read this interview with the professional animator Ray, and see how he masters the layer features. AnimationDesk_AnimationLayer


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