NoteLedge User Story – Dreams from an Artistic Yogi in Andalusia

“NoteLedge has been pivotal in a number of artworks I’ve created. For example, one time I did a painting aUsing Noteledge in the studiond I thought it was finished. A couple of months later I looked at it and I had a wild idea about what I might do to it but I was nervous about spoiling what I’d already done.

What I did was take a photo of the painting, import it into NoteLedge and then sketched my idea over the top of the photo. From this, I saw that the idea would work and I had the courage to change the painting.

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5 Essential Apps For Learning

Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.

~ Benjamin Franklin ~

The quest for knowledge is fundamentally a constant affair and a boundless pursuit; whether you are still a student or already a working professional, the pleasure of learning should be a self-directed and ingrained mindset in life. Thankfully, with the advancement of technology and accessibility of information, you can now maximize what you can possibly learn.

Here are 5 mobile applications that will surely inspire you to get involved in facilitating your own learning and develop a thirst for acquiring knowledge.


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