Kdan Mobile Partners With Sourcenext To Enter Japan’s Largest Mobile App Market

Imagine being able to use your favorite apps, just like you binge-watch your favorite movies and shows on Netflix…paying for one monthly membership and getting unlimited access! 

In Japan, that’s exactly how it works!

We’ve just partnered with Sourcenext, the largest independent consumer software provider in Japan, to get PDF Reader for Android included in App Pass by Softbank. Our goal is to continue to help users everywhere maximize their productivity! Continue reading “Kdan Mobile Partners With Sourcenext To Enter Japan’s Largest Mobile App Market”

Finding the Best PDF App on the Market

Digital practices in business, like using the PDF file format, are becoming even more prevalent in our lives as the workplace becomes more technologically advanced. PDFs’ advantage is that they are compatible across different platforms/devices. There are many different tools available that let you manage and edit PDFs between  various devices, making it harder to choose the solution that works best for you and your team.

Nowadays, most of us use more than one device for work, but it can be difficult to transfer that information between your devices.

Before you start researching the numerous PDF apps available, here are five key aspects you should consider: Continue reading “Finding the Best PDF App on the Market”

The Best Apps For Entrepreneurs In 2019

There are only but so many hours in a day for everything you need to do. Have you ever spent time and energy trying to locate the right document, troubleshooting when certain files cannot be opened or consolidating multiple files?

Why waste your precious time figuring out which apps to use out of the hundreds available when you can invest in a suite that will enhance your productivity and creativity? These four apps will allow you to maximize your efficiency so that you can concentrate on the things that really matter.

Continue reading “The Best Apps For Entrepreneurs In 2019”