Point, Shoot & Click – iPhone Photography Tips

Ansel Adams once said, “there are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs.”

The emergence of the iPhone has given more people than ever before the access to a quality camera and turned more and more into photographers. In 2016 alone, it was estimated that there were 1.1 trillion photos taken across the globe and 81.3% of those people used a mobile phone to capture their images (source: mylio).

With the rise in popularity of iPhone photography, these are some tips that we have compiled to help take your creativity and photography skills to the next level. Continue reading “Point, Shoot & Click – iPhone Photography Tips”

NoteLedge User Story – Capturing the Elusive Creative Design Process

“It is a really great tool to capture class work daily, which also enables students to share work with family at home. Using NoteLedge has given the students (and I) the choice to support and diversify their documentation; it also has been great choice for differentiated learning.“

Continue reading “NoteLedge User Story – Capturing the Elusive Creative Design Process”

NoteLedge User Story: Incorporating NoteLedge Into the Daily Life of an Educator, Author and a Mother

“NoteLedge is my constant companion for capturing ideas for decorating and writing … [it] has allowed me the freedom to be more of a fearless writer”.

Continue reading “NoteLedge User Story: Incorporating NoteLedge Into the Daily Life of an Educator, Author and a Mother”

The Importance of Colors in Design

All successful business owners are aware of the impact of colors on the human mind. For example, shades of red actually encourages customers to make a purchase. Smart business owners therefore liberally use color psychology to attract customers, boost sales, and generate more revenue. Continue reading “The Importance of Colors in Design”

Tips to Beat those Back to School Blues

There are two types of students, those who can’t wait to rush back to school for the new semester and those who have a serious case of the back-to-school blues. If you’re part of the latter group, here are 5 tips that will help you get ready for the next school year. Continue reading “Tips to Beat those Back to School Blues”