Kdan’s 10th Anniversary | Improving the World Outside the Office

Kdan’s 10th anniversary celebration is based around the idea of working to positively impact the world over the next decade. One way we’re doing this by planting trees to physically represent our dedication to improving the environment. This tree planting ceremony took place in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, a city just outside of our company’s headquarters.

“We have demonstrated our commitment to better the world with our service offerings and we plan to continue forging forward,” explained Kenny Su, Kdan’s founder and CEO. “Looking ahead, Kdan will be a business that takes on social responsibility. I am glad we symbolize that endeavor as part of our milestone celebration.”0426_190427_0038 Continue reading “Kdan’s 10th Anniversary | Improving the World Outside the Office”

Kdan Mobile’s 10th Anniversary Time Capsule

Kdan Mobile Software Ltd. is celebrating its 10th anniversary! This is a huge milestone for any company, and is really humbling to look back on this decade and see all of the great things that we have accomplished. Since 2009, we have established five different offices across the globe, supported users in 167 different countries, and our apps have accumulated over 150 Million downloads! Continue reading “Kdan Mobile’s 10th Anniversary Time Capsule”

Working Overseas | Expanding Kdan’s U.S. Office

Moving across the world to start a new life in a country with new people, a new company, and a completely foreign language is a huge first step for any recent college graduate. Joey DiGangi III and I (Chris Heron) took on this great task only months after earning a bachelor’s degree from Juniata College. While both of us started our own businesses in college, taking big risks and accepting challenges is something we were used to, but this was the biggest challenge yet. Continue reading “Working Overseas | Expanding Kdan’s U.S. Office”

19 Ways to Make Your Morning Commute More Productive

We’re all about boosting productivity here at Kdan. Thanks to smartphones and tablets, your productivity never has to stop! We’re sharing some of our top hacks for making the most of your morning commute!

Of course, these tips are for the bus and/or subway crowd, and are not meant for anyone that drives to work! Don’t worry–these hacks work for your lunch break, a doctor’s waiting room, and more!

Continue reading “19 Ways to Make Your Morning Commute More Productive”