Transform Your Life with Time Management

“If only there were more hours in a day,” my friend sighed in yearning.

We have all been here, physically and mentally exhausted by the sheer amount of things we need to do. If only there were robots capable of transforming the information in our brains into organized, precise, time efficient actions. Lucky for us, we already have one if not multiple ‘robots’ capable of transforming into time management superstars, our smart devices. Following are some tips to help you accomplish this. Continue reading “Transform Your Life with Time Management”

Tips to Beat those Back to School Blues

There are two types of students, those who can’t wait to rush back to school for the new semester and those who have a serious case of the back-to-school blues. If you’re part of the latter group, here are 5 tips that will help you get ready for the next school year. Continue reading “Tips to Beat those Back to School Blues”

PDF Markup User Story- Val Sigler – Working without Boundaries

I have been using Kdan’s PDF series for a while and have loved them. Especially now with new features and Kdan Cloud package, I am glad that they are all in one! Very nice!

Mobility has evolved as a key feature of the modern working lifestyle, and the use of mobile devices for work brings a whole new level of flexibility and convenience. This edition of User Story features a long time user of Kdan’s PDF series, Val Sigler, who has shared with us how PDF Markup has improved his professional life. Continue reading “PDF Markup User Story- Val Sigler – Working without Boundaries”