Judge Profile – Stephen Egts and Storytelling for Success


Welcome to Part 2/2 of our Judge Profiles! We have the pleasure of introducing Stephen Egts today. With tons of experience in the worlds animation and storytelling, he has a unique perspective in what it takes to make a great narrative. Keep reading to learn about him, his animation style and what he’s looking for in iAniMagic 2015 | The Living Light Box!

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Judge Profile – Jenna Calvao and the Disney Insider Tips

One of the judges for this year’s iAniMagic| The Living Light Box competition is Jenna Calvao. We’ve had the great pleasure of working with Jenna and speaking with her to find out what her expectations are for this year’s contest. In order to help you make the most of the time you have left this month, we’re releasing a small snippet to give you some insight into the inner workings of one this year’s judges. Keep reading to see what makes Jenna so awesome and what her number 1 criteria is for creating a truly magical Light Box.

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Inside iAniMagic2015 – The Living Light Box

We’re now two weeks into iAniMagic 2015|The Living Light Box and we’re delighted to see how many of you have been asking questions and showing your desire to bring your best to this year’s competition. To those of you that know iAniMagic, this year’s theme should come as an exciting change. For those that have just begun their journey with us, read along, this piece should help shed some light on what you can expect this year.

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