How Using Creativity 365 Can Enhance Your Education

As a student at any level, we all have dealt with our fair share of struggles and difficulties ranging from grueling classes, a difficult major (or two), juggling extracurricular activities, and dealing with piles of homework can be extremely tiresome and hard. We promise you that you’re not in this alone and that students from all over the world share these struggles.

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Unleash the Creativity: Mindfulness

Welcome to the second post in our “Unleash the Creativity” series. In this series, we provide information, tips, and tricks to get your creative juices flowing: Create, Mash, Inspire.

Do you ever struggle to come up with satisfactory solutions? This article is going to talk about how a simple practice, mindfulness, can make a big difference in your creative life and help you come up with innovative ideas.

Continue reading “Unleash the Creativity: Mindfulness”


We all know a well-polished portfolio is a key to landing that dream job or internship. While building a portfolio can be a time-consuming task, it doesn’t have to be costly or boring. Animation contests are a fun, efficient and cheap way to start building your portfolio (or even your first Smart Google Ads). They’re also a great opportunity to network, interact with other creative minds, and often win more than just a title. We’ve compiled a list of our 5 favorite animation contest and the best part is they’re all free! Continue reading “BUILD YOUR PORTFOLIO WITH THESE 5 FREE ANIMATION CONTESTS”

5 Tips on How Creativity in Business can Help You Achieve Success

The usual interpretation of creativity is often associated with art and design. For example, painting a picture or designing a new room layout are all part of definition of creativity. But creativity can be employed in every aspect of life. Creative people think of valuable and practical ways of doing things. They discover new ideas and possibilities. This kind of creativity has become essential in the modern, competitive world of business and is an incredible transferable skill for those who can master it. Continue reading “5 Tips on How Creativity in Business can Help You Achieve Success”


In 19 years they have managed to answer your every question in a matter of seconds, keep you entertained every hour, design software to help you with your every need, and more. If you have a problem there is most likely a Google solution for it. Curious what a company that has managed to connect the entire world has to say about curiosity?

“Curiosity and creativity are never far apart. You need to be curious to identify problems worth solving, and then come up with new solutions.” – Lorraine Twohill, Head of Marketing at Google

Welcome to the first post in our “Unleash the Creativity” series. In this series, we will provide information, tips, and tricks to get your creative juices flowing: Create, Mash, and Inspire.