In 19 years they have managed to answer your every question in a matter of seconds, keep you entertained every hour, design software to help you with your every need, and more. If you have a problem there is most likely a Google solution for it. Curious what a company that has managed to connect the entire world has to say about curiosity?

“Curiosity and creativity are never far apart. You need to be curious to identify problems worth solving, and then come up with new solutions.” – Lorraine Twohill, Head of Marketing at Google

Welcome to the first post in our “Unleash the Creativity” series. In this series, we will provide information, tips, and tricks to get your creative juices flowing: Create, Mash, and Inspire.


Exclusive Interview: The Story Behind an Animation Lecturer

In the Exclusive Interview series we spoke to various professional animators from across Asia to find out more about their experience and insights into their local animation industry. As the third guest of the series, we invited Ms. Hsieh Pei-Wen from Taiwan, an award-winning animator and experienced lecturer specialized in animation filmmaking and motion graphics. We are thrilled to have her with us.

Don’t forget to check out the iAniMagic animation contest too. Continue reading “Exclusive Interview: The Story Behind an Animation Lecturer”

How To Take Awesome Pet Photos With Your iPhone

Welcome back to part two of our Photography series, in our previous piece we talked about how to better your iPhone photography skills. At Kdan Mobile, it’s safe to say we’re big fans of animals and know how many people out there have pets of their own that they love dearly. Capturing photos of an unpredictable and moving subject such as a dog, a cat, a horse, or another animal can be sometimes tricky – but don’t worry, that’s where we come in to help! Continue reading “How To Take Awesome Pet Photos With Your iPhone”

NoteLedge User Story – Capturing the Elusive Creative Design Process

“It is a really great tool to capture class work daily, which also enables students to share work with family at home. Using NoteLedge has given the students (and I) the choice to support and diversify their documentation; it also has been great choice for differentiated learning.“

Continue reading “NoteLedge User Story – Capturing the Elusive Creative Design Process”

Contextual Inquiry II: Identify the Potential Obstacles

In the previous blog Contextual Inquiry I, we have introduced the two most commonly used models of context inquiry for app designing at Kdan Mobile. The main objective of contextual inquiry is to gain an in-depth understanding of the process individuals undergo to accomplish a task through the observation of user behavior in their natural working environment. This week, we look into three other models: the Culture Model, the Artifact Model, and the Physical Model. These models, though traditionally not used much in app design, enable app developers to build better user interface and stronger interaction among users. Continue reading “Contextual Inquiry II: Identify the Potential Obstacles”