#AD4EVER Back To Basics II: Essential Animation Techniques From Disney Animation Pioneers

This tutorial focuses on three of the Twelve Basic Principles of Animation: Arc, Timing and Spacing, Slow In and Slow Out. Get to know what they are now!

Explore the crucial principles of animation and create your own flying bee animation.

Last week we have released the second video of the series of #AD4EVER Back to Basics tutorials. Building on the techniques and concepts shown in the last lesson, this tutorial takes you a step further and teaches you three fundamental principles of animation developed by the respectable animation pioneers from Walt Disney Studio in the 1930s. Continue reading “#AD4EVER Back To Basics II: Essential Animation Techniques From Disney Animation Pioneers”

#AD4EVER Back to Basics Event Now Live!

Here’s the first set of tutorial videos that you’ve been long waiting for. In the videos you will find a step-by-step guide to create animations, and everything that will get you started. We have sorted the videos that demonstrate different animation-making techniques from the very basics to advanced functionality, all provided by Animation Desk. We hope to provide you with the resources that get you one step closer to an outstanding animator!

Along with the tutorials, we are also bringing #AD4EVER contest back in the game! Objective? Apply the tips and tricks you’ve learned from the videos and make an animation clip yourself. It’s as simple as that! Continue reading “#AD4EVER Back to Basics Event Now Live!”

Inside Story of the Winners of iAniMagic2015: Part III – Alejandro Garcia, A Companion in the Fast Paced Animation Industry

Daz Yang and Bermudy Chen, the winners introduced in our previous Inside Stories, shared the importance of creating storyboards for animation projects, and recommended some great features in Animation Desk, such as the advanced onion skin and frame manager.  Alejandro Garcia, the winner of iAniMagic2015, is taking us deeper into an animator’s inside world and sharing his experiences in designing video and animation projects.

"BOXWINGS", by Alejandro Garcia
“BOXWINGS”, by Alejandro Garcia

Continue reading “Inside Story of the Winners of iAniMagic2015: Part III – Alejandro Garcia, A Companion in the Fast Paced Animation Industry”

Advanced Storytelling tips for Animators


With just over a week until the end of iAniMagic 2015 | The Living Light Box, it’s time to get into the hard work of getting your audience to fall in love with your story. There are a number of techniques and skills you can use to your advantage, but making them all come together is easier said than done. With that, here are some final tips to spur you on in these final days!

Continue reading “Advanced Storytelling tips for Animators”

Let NoteLedge Spice Up Your School Life

The autumn term for schools and universities is now well underway. As winter slowly creeps in, the warmth and energy from the summer will soon fade away. Workload is starting to build up and school life is getting more stressful. But there is no reason to have a negative attitude; there are so many ways to keep your spirits up! You can make your school life more interesting and organized with NoteLedge. So get some inspiration from the designs below!

Continue reading “Let NoteLedge Spice Up Your School Life”