Big Changes for the 7th iAniMagic Animation Contest

Update: the new submission deadline is on March 31 2018.  To accommodate participants and allow them to create quality work they can be proud of we have generously extended the contest deadline. Happy animating 🙂

Continue reading “Big Changes for the 7th iAniMagic Animation Contest”


In 19 years they have managed to answer your every question in a matter of seconds, keep you entertained every hour, design software to help you with your every need, and more. If you have a problem there is most likely a Google solution for it. Curious what a company that has managed to connect the entire world has to say about curiosity?

“Curiosity and creativity are never far apart. You need to be curious to identify problems worth solving, and then come up with new solutions.” – Lorraine Twohill, Head of Marketing at Google

Welcome to the first post in our “Unleash the Creativity” series. In this series, we will provide information, tips, and tricks to get your creative juices flowing: Create, Mash, and Inspire.


Happy International Animation Day From The Animation Desk Team

Animation gives our imagination wings to fly and turns our creative ideas into visible stories. On October 28, 1892, Charles-Emile Reynaud projected the first public animation, Pauvre Pierrot, paving the way for the animated entertainment world we know and love today to develop.

World Animation Day spelled our with different animated characters as letters
Image source: The SPA Studios

Continue reading “Happy International Animation Day From The Animation Desk Team”


We all have that friend who swears by Starbucks and literally lives, works, and pees in the ubiquitous coffee-chain. For them, no other cafe will do. It’s hard to fathom why, considering the abundance of other coffee-chains and independent cafes offering similar if not better coffee than Starbucks. Alright, their lavatories are rather clean and decent, but surely there’s a more prosaic reason for Starbucks’ rabid brand appeal? Continue reading “WHAT’S YOUR BRAND PERSONALITY?”

Animation Desk User Story: Passion Finds Time In A Busy Student’s Life

“Being a busy high school student, I don’t have much time for a traditional part-time job… I draw in my spare time, so I figured why not turn it into a little side job?”

As iAniMagic 2017 continues we’d like to bring you a little inspiration in the form of a user story. In this edition of User Story, meet Sydney Rose, an artistically talented student who hopes to become an animator one day. Sydney uses Animation Desk to add a little spice to her drawings. Interviewing her reminded us of why we aspire to help animators by making Animation Desk the best animation app. Inspiration awaits you. Read on. Continue reading “Animation Desk User Story: Passion Finds Time In A Busy Student’s Life”