Say hello to the winners of 8th iAniMagic Contest!

Let’s start the new year with a bang by announcing the winners of 8th iAniMagic Contest – Animal Party! The award-winning animators certainly unleashed their creativity and imagination to make a big celebration for the animals! This year, we received an astonishing number of submissions – 277 animations – setting a new record high for this annual animation competition. The judges had a very difficult time deciding who to crown as the winners, as the quality of submissions this year was so high! 

We want to offer a huge round of applause to all of you for taking part, and a big shout out to South Taiwan University of Science and Technology in Taiwan, Shu-Te University in Taiwan and Rangsit University in Thailand for their participation in this year’s competition!


Here are the grand winners of the 8th iAniMagic Contest. Let’s take a look at their work and the comments from our judges and Kdan Staff:

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If you’re reading this, you probably failed to keep one or more of your New Year’s resolutions for 2019. 

Maybe the goal just wasn’t important enough for you to dedicate time and effort to it every single day. 

Or maybe you didn’t have the right tools to help you stick to your resolutions.

I’m John, Kdan Cloud’s assistant.


Kdan 2019 Year in Review A – Z

2019 has been another year of fun, innovation, and growth for Kdan. We have continued our mission to create a better mobile workplace by launching two brand new services. We’ve been recognized for our efforts as a SaaS provider, and have expanded our team into new locations across the world! A lot has happened for us in 2019, and we want to sum up our year in 26 letters: Continue reading “Kdan 2019 Year in Review A – Z”

Entrepreneurs and Intrapreneurs: Visionary Leaders that Translate Ideas into Reality

November is one of our favorite times of the year at Kdan. It’s a month-long celebration of entrepreneurship, that culminates with #globalentrepreneurshipweek from Monday the 18th to Friday the 22nd.

Our U.S. Team had a unique opportunity to partner with two organizations that are dedicated to promoting entrepreneurship, the Juniata Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership (JCEL) and Startup Alleghenies, to host a mini-series of events this month that share experiences and start conversations about starting a business. It was useful to learn about some top LLC companies and the best LLC services that will help with starting a business as well.

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One of the big ideas discussed in both events is that you don’t have to be self-employed to be considered “entrepreneurial.” Intrapreneurs, or entrepreneurial people within an organization, are valuable assets to any team. We want to share some highlights from the two sessions and how these concepts relate to your career path, whether it’s for your own company or the one you’re working for!

Continue reading “Entrepreneurs and Intrapreneurs: Visionary Leaders that Translate Ideas into Reality”

Make it Your Business to Celebrate Entrepreneurship Month with Kdan Mobile

It’s that time of year again…November is Global Entrepreneurship Month! And this year, our U.S. Team is celebrating by co-hosting a series of events alongside other local organizations that support startups and small businesses. To follow along with the events, be sure to follow us on Twitter, where we’ll be live-Tweeting some of the advice offered during the events!

Continue reading “Make it Your Business to Celebrate Entrepreneurship Month with Kdan Mobile”