Lift Your Holiday Mood: Tips for Creating Mood Boards, Vision Boards, and Cards

Can’t wait for the coming of holiday? Perfectly planning the moment for your loved one should be an enjoyable task! Start with a mood board and visualize your holiday planning!

Season’s greetings from the Kdan Team! We know that having a well-organized holiday plan helps you relieve your stress and embrace the joyful season now that holiday spirit is in the air. You might feel like you have thousands of ideas that need to be planned out. 

NoteLedge provides you with a variety of ways to gather inspiration and organize everything. You can visually plan your holidays with mood boards and vision boards, or create digital cards for your family and friends. The Holidays are the perfect time to be thankful for what you have and get inspired for what’s to come. 

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How to Take Meeting Minutes Like a Professional

Effective note-taking is a critical skill to learn. At the end of this article, you’ll know how to take meeting minutes like a pro.

If you’ve been tasked with making the official record of a meeting, you must learn how to make meeting minutes. Meeting minutes are literally minute-by-minute reports of what has happened in a meeting. What was decided, voted upon, or presented? After a meeting, anyone should be able to answer these questions, follow along with your meeting minutes document and understand the meeting as if they were actually there.

It’s a critical skill to learn. At the end of this article, you’ll know how to spend less time making ineffective meeting minutes and learn how to write the most time-efficient, accurate notes for the official record. By following some quick style hints, tips, and tricks, you can elevate your meetings to a high standard. Whether you’re writing minutes for informal meetings or official board management meetings, you can make your meeting minutes better.

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How to Optimize Your E-Commerce Website with Content Creation – 8 Tips

Feeling your E-commerce website don’t meet your expectation? Here are some tips may help you optimize and increase impression!

Content marketing is one of the most important activities for businesses nowadays. Great blog content can bring leads and even optimize your conversion rate – which can increase your chances of getting driving sales.

There are more competitors in the e-commerce field every year, and that trend is expected to continue. It is estimated that up to 95% of all retail sales will be conducted online by the year 2024!

Considering you have already built your website on the best eCommerce platform suited as per your needs. But your competition is getting stronger, good content on your website is even more important for your business. So how do you succeed in the market? Check out 8 tips here!

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Lunchtime Productivity: How to Spend Your Break

Lunchtime is that sweet midpoint break in our day. We can escape work mode for an hour or so and do whatever we want. The majority of us probably sit down and eat during lunchtime breaks. However, there are certainly other ways we can spend our time as well. We decided to offer some creative inspiration on different ways you can spend your lunchtime, either alone or with your colleagues with our guide to lunchtime fun!

We want to add that time constraints can vary from industry to geographic location. So, we tried our best to share some personal ways we spend our lunch breaks in Taiwan. Check out our top five ideas and let us know how many you plan to try in the future!

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How It’s Done: Brand Development on Social Media

It’s no question that in today’s business world, having active social media accounts is more than just a way to chat with users. It’s become a necessary form of spreading information with which you can develop your brand and turn your followers into paying customers. By focusing on Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter, you can build your brand awareness better than ever.

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