Creativity At Work: Using Your Student Skills To Get Ahead

Everything seems exciting when you’re transitioning from a student to a young professional. As a student, you are constantly using your student skills and getting feedback. Your friends think your ideas are cool, and you feel like you can change the world.

As you transition into the workplace however, your bold ideas might not go over well at first. You might not be getting the student feedback or praise you’re used to; and your productivity might suffer.

Maintaining and using your student skills and a positive attitude keeps you hungry for knowledge and personal growth, which helps your entire organization. This is not just for new grads—everyone can benefit from using student student in the workplace.

Here are some of the best ways to use your student mindset to your advantage: Continue reading “Creativity At Work: Using Your Student Skills To Get Ahead”

Download the Best Animating App Today

Thank You, Beta Testers

Thank you to everyone who signed up for the Animation Desk beta test! Your feedback has helped us work out the kinks and provide you with the best animation app! One by one, we have been implementing your suggestions into the new design and we are excited to share! We’ll make sure to include some video demonstrations along with the release as well. Make sure you download the best animating app today!

Continue reading “Download the Best Animating App Today”

Start the New School Year with Markup: a User Story

From remote learning to summer relaxation, students in 2020 are experiencing big changes. For those looking for digital solutions to make the transition into your new school year easier, you’re not alone! We chatted with Krista, who shared how to start the new school year with Markup

There’s more! We would like to treat students and teachers worldwide with a 30-day free trial for our premium annotation tool, Markup Pro, as well as the Creativity365 apps – fill out this form today! 

Continue reading “Start the New School Year with Markup: a User Story”

5 Simple Steps for a Solid SEO Strategy

This article is a guest post written by Copyleaks to highlight 5 simple steps for a solid SEO strategy. Keep reading to see how you can transform your optimization!

A well-built SEO strategy is essential to remain relevant and attract traffic to your website. Users input search queries on search engines. Depending on the query, the search engine finds and filters relevant results from around the web. The better ranking you have for a query, the higher up the results you’ll appear. It’s essential to be featured higher if you want increased organic traffic.

To feature in the search results is not the only purpose of website owners. Ranking high on the results page is very essential. The higher rank ensures better organic traffic.

The task of optimizing a website might seem challenging. Optimization is a dreaded task for many individuals. We’re sharing five optimization approaches to ease the burden and help you improve your ranking in search engine results. To truly elevate your SEO game, consider using tools like surfer seo tool , which can help refine your strategies and achieve higher rankings.

Continue reading “5 Simple Steps for a Solid SEO Strategy”

Say Bon Voyage with NoteLedge

Countries are preparing to rebuild their tourism industries as COVID-19 curves flatten around the world. That means travel is going back to normal — well for some of us and the travel and tourism industry, at least. Planning an overseas holiday was already stressful enough without the added challenge of navigating a global pandemic. Now we have to worry about where we will be allowed to fly, what we will be allowed to do, and what additional precautions we will have to take in order to stay healthy and safe during our vacation

Tools like NoteLedge can help you organize this information and prepare for your trip! We compiled some unique ways to plan your next holiday with digital travel notes. Want to try out for yourself? Download NoteLedge for FREE today and get started planning your post-quarantine holiday! Continue reading “Say Bon Voyage with NoteLedge”