Where To Find Cool GIFs, And How To Make One

You can find plenty of cool GIFs online, but the best marketers make their own. Find out how to create amazing GIFs with Animation Desk!

From dramatic TV show character reactions to cute baby animal clips, GIFs are everywhere in our online world today! They can be used to show your emotion in a text message conversation or posted online by a company to hop on a trend. But how are GIFs made, and where can we find them? Let’s take a deep dive into the world of GIFs!

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The Future of Work is Mobile – Here’s Why

During the post-pandemic phase, companies need to reconsider their working form, relatively, recruitment problem. May remote work becomes the new norm or not? Must we embrace a mobile mindset? Read more to find your answer.

As many countries have entered the post-pandemic phase, in theory, it should be easier for businesses to recruit and retain employees. However, in reality, companies are facing strong resistance to returning to offices and having a hard time recruiting new employees. 

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Make a Sustainable Impact By Building a Paperless Office

Reducing your paper usage has a myriad of benefits—both for the planet and your business. Read on for more about what “paperless” really means, the full benefits, and how you can move your company in the right direction.

One billion photocopies are made every single day. That’s a lot of trees! Though business comes in printed form for many, it raises the question: Is there a better way? 

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Kdan Mobile’s Commitment to Environmental Sustainability

Kdan Mobile is committed to rise to the challenge of today’s climate crisis with a pledge to achieve carbon neutrality by the end of 2022.

Summary: Kdan Mobile is committed to rise to the challenge of today’s climate crisis with a pledge to achieve carbon neutrality by the end of 2022.

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Sustainable Design: Kdan Mobile’s Product Philosophy

The future of environmental protection is digital-first, which is why Kdan’s product philosophy revolves around digital solutions such as Document 365, Creativity 365, and DottedSign that are designed to promote sustainable lifestyles and businesses.


The future of environmental protection is digital-first, which is why Kdan’s product philosophy revolves around digital solutions such as Document 365, Creativity 365, and DottedSign that are designed to promote sustainable lifestyles and businesses.

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