Document your Experience with NoteLedge & Write-on Video

Sarah Melgar, one of Kdan Mobile’s interns in the spring of 2019, attended the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts (NCECA) conference on March 27-30. NCECA is a nonprofit organization that supports global education and appreciation for ceramic arts. While at the conference, Sarah used NoteLedge to take organized, multimedia notes on the event, and Write-on Video, to capture and share her experience. After the conference, Sarah answered some questions about her experience using these apps to document her trip:

Can you tell us a little about the conference?

Sarah: The conference was the national ceramics conference so it was the biggest ceramic conference in the country. It happens once a year in a different location every year and this year it was in Minneapolis. Thousands of potters from all over the world fly in for the conference. There are different events, such as Emerging Artists, where six new artists are selected each year and their work is featured in a show. The rest of the conference mainly consisted of talks from different potters.


What activities did you participate in?

Sarah: One of the best activities I attended was getting my portfolio reviewed by a more experienced potter. They gave me really helpful advice and a different perspective than I got from my professors here (Juniata College). I also went to many different lectures, and my favorite one was where a famous Instagram potter talked about how to build a following on Instagram.


Can you describe how you took notes at the event?

Sarah: NoteLedge helped me because I was able to add words and photos, which allowed me to have a better visual and refreshed my memory when I was reviewing the notes later.


Can you describe how you created your video notes?

Sarah: Using Write-on Video was very easy and self-explanatory. It allowed me to put little notes about things that were said outside the video but were helpful when watching the video.
Sarah’s experience at NCECA was productive and well-documented because of her use of NoteLedge and Write-On Video. If you’d like to see how these apps can optimize your own experience, or help your students,
visit our website to learn more!