Kdan’s Partnering With Qihoo 360OS To Deliver Safer, More Productive Smart Devices To Consumers

An Exciting New Partnership

At Kdan Mobile, we set a goal of reaching a larger international audience with our digital document solutions. With this goal in mind, we proudly announced a new partnership with Qihoo 360, a Chinese internet and mobile security provider. Our PDF Reader application will now come pre-installed with Qihoo’s 360OS, an Android-based operating system, thanks to this new partnership. Continue reading “Kdan’s Partnering With Qihoo 360OS To Deliver Safer, More Productive Smart Devices To Consumers”

User Story with Volkswagen: How Creativity 365 supports business operations at VW

Volkswagen Follow Me TaiwanAs the world’s largest automakers, Volkswagen sold over 10.3 million vehicles worldwide in 2016. To support its global business and manage its daily operations, VW needs advanced processing systems and tools to ensure smooth operations. In this User Story, we are honored to be featuring a very special guest, Kevin Chen, General Manager at VW Follow Me in Taiwan. He shares with us the challenges he faces and how Creativity 365TM Business  tools help solve issues, increase productivity and improve internal communications and team work at his company. Continue reading “User Story with Volkswagen: How Creativity 365 supports business operations at VW”

3 BYOD Hacks For More Productive Meetings

They say that there are two things in life you can’t escape from death and taxes. To this, I would add meetings, that oft-pilloried institution ubiquitous in every business large or small. The vast majority of meetings have become synonymous with inefficiency, boredom, and endless discussions leading nowhere. We dread attending them. Yet for all the time and resources they waste, meetings remain an inescapable part of business culture.

Continue reading “3 BYOD Hacks For More Productive Meetings”

5 Tips on How Creativity in Business can Help You Achieve Success

The usual interpretation of creativity is often associated with art and design. For example, painting a picture or designing a new room layout are all part of definition of creativity. But creativity can be employed in every aspect of life. Creative people think of valuable and practical ways of doing things. They discover new ideas and possibilities. This kind of creativity has become essential in the modern, competitive world of business and is an incredible transferable skill for those who can master it. Continue reading “5 Tips on How Creativity in Business can Help You Achieve Success”

PDF Reader Extends its Features on Universal Windows Platform

Dear users of PDF Reader on Windows, we have got some fantastic news for you!

PDF Reader for Windows has just launched an update with the addition of Windows Ink and Creativity 365. Besides benefiting from the Windows Ink technology, you can take advantage of the improved user interface with all the extended tools and Cloud storage that enables file synchronization as well as data security and encryption. It is possible to achieve a higher level of personal security and privacy by utilizing robust features of data security management. Enjoy streamlining and optimizing your content creation workflow across different devices, be it Windows, Android or iOS. Continue reading “PDF Reader Extends its Features on Universal Windows Platform”