This Is Me: Animation Desk Competition

An Animation Contest Designed for YOU

It’s officially June – which means we’re ready to announce our next animation contest! Animation Desk proudly supports individuality amid diversity, therefore, we’ve decided to call this month’s contest This is Me. We want participants to introduce themselves through animation and express their identity. We want to know who YOU are!

Animators are encouraged to unleash their creativity as they please, regardless of gender, race, religion, or sexuality. Entries will be judged solely on the execution and design techniques of the animations, so don’t hold back when telling your story! Be true and be YOU

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Working from Home: 5 Common Challenges and How to Tackle Them

The work-from-home trend has been catching on in recent weeks. Yet even before COVID-19 became a factor, an increasing number of people have been saying goodbye to their onerous commute to work. Employees of Kdan Mobile have been executing work-from-home (WFH) policies for years while managing a global team. We’ve found ways to navigate the issues many people face when working remotely and have five easy solutions to help businesses stay productive while working from home.

Continue reading “Working from Home: 5 Common Challenges and How to Tackle Them”

Working from Home with a Global Team

Let’s face it—working from home can be tough, and what can be tougher is trying to work from home when you are a part of a global team. There are numerous challenges that those of us working remotely with international colleagues face on a day-to-day basis. Whether you’re in the home office or stuck on the couch, here are some tips that we have put together to help you navigate working from home on a global scale.  Continue reading “Working from Home with a Global Team”

Your Favorite Animating App Gets a New Interface

This Upgrade will Make it Easier Than Ever to Create Stunning Animations

Animation Desk is delighted to unveil its new sleek and stylish interface and with it, a whole slew of new and exciting features! Sound appealing to you? Be sure to sign up to beta test the app before it’s released to the general public and give your feedback on the new update! Continue reading “Your Favorite Animating App Gets a New Interface”

Creative In All Capacities: A Conversation With

 We hosted the Ramen Challenge last December, and it ended up creating more opportunities to connect with our users than we expected! We issued the Challenge to Kdan users everywhere to create their best tasting (and most unique) recipe using ramen noodles and record them on NoteLedge. After narrowing down the competition, our team decided on a winner, After sending her Ramen noodles from Nona Lim, Allergy Orchard, and a year-long membership to Creativity 365, she offered to take things to the next level and collaborate on a campaign for our Animation Desk users. In honor of her account reaching 70,000 followers, we hosted the #DTIYS70K (Draw This In Your Style) Campaign. Her followers and our users came together to recreate one of her Animation Desk-inspired drawings. With such creativity and artistic talent, we had a few questions to ask about her work and creative process!

Tell us a bit about yourself! Continue reading “Creative In All Capacities: A Conversation With”